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This week Jess is out with her concussion so Emily Prokop steps in and saves the day! Discussion about how to turn our brains off leads us to conclude how difficult this must be for Jess. In this episode, we talk about Skype’s new content creation tools, the Twitter new rules and work arounds, and Elsie’s favorite Twitter tool, Twitterific. The Podcast Consumer Data is discussed as well as how to create more discoverability for older listeners.

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Super Quick Re-cap!

  • FYI Jess is doing the show notes this week so there may be a few less exclamation points.
  • Jessica helps open the show and yet…she’s absent from this episode. John is fooling everyone! Truth is, she (I) had a concussion last week and wasn’t allowed to do any thinking.
  • Special guest – Emily Prokop! YAYYYY OMG what a pleasant voice she has
  • A little background on EPP
  • Concussion Discussion (awesome) as well as some talk about how to turn your brain off. (Spoiler alert: nothing works. It’s torture.)
  • Danny’s Tip: 10:52 The Double Ender
  • Skype’s content creation additions, Em shares her thoughts
  • Elsie does a techy explanation of eCamm and shares how the changes will affect it
  • Over editing and the dangers of not sounding human
  • News: 26:02
  • Twitter Rules update: duplicate content and robots and how to get around the new shiz
  • We run three separate accounts, the She P one and our personal ones so we use Zapier to retweet from the She P account based on specific hashtags. That’s Jess’s trick.
  • Emily gives her thoughts about The Podcast Consumer Data, and the data going up and up
  • Taking notice of the older listener number and how it can and should grow
  • Communities addressing an emotional need – not just serious content but comedy and entertainment too. So how do we get older listeners involved?
  • Alexa skills and how they will help listenership – and how to address privacy issues
  • Our lives are very hackable – that said, we aren’t important enough to bother with
  • Marketing Tip: We’re on camera 16 times a day. Make sure you wear your merch! LOL
  • Google App – Google does not favor self-hosted podcasts, people.
  • Elsie goes over the Google app and discoverability
  • Podcast Movement! 58:09
  • Tool Tips! 1:00:52
  • Elsie discusses Twitterific! And we all need to run out and get it to start engaging better on Twitter. (And maybe get away from Facebook)
  • Em gives final send offs!

Links mentioned by Elsie and Emily!

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