Show 030 Quick-Guide

  • The mighty Heather Ordover is our last guest co-host for She Podcasts for 2014.
  • Remember when we did the Hollywood thing? Ya, that did happen.
  • Be part of She Podcasts! Take action ASAP send in your feedback.
  • We give you the scoop on what went down with the public hearing by the EFF on 12/17/2014 that presented to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) a key claim to invalidate of a patent used by notorious patent troll Personal Audio to shake down podcasters.
  • We have an idea of what season 2 for Serial should be…hmmmmmm.
  • We do in fact have a conversation about patent law. Ya.
  • Diving deep into a massively popular genre in podcasting Education.
  • Why does a teacher decide to podcast about literature?
  • The incredible culture of “being read to.”
  • When children ask to read Shakespeare and redesigning a curriculum to teach to the joke.
  • A Tale of Two Cities. It’s awesome.
  • The audio brain vs the reading brain.
  • And we do chat about the bias of reading-reading and “reading” and audio book.
  • How Elsie reads now.
  • Cognative Anchoring is revealed! Amazing stuff people.
  • The room to expand your mind in all of the different podcast is there.
  • Why and how what you listen to dictates how you move and grow in the world.
  • It’s time to find a podcast that will help you break patterns. Go do it.
  • And then there is Chop Bard and how it expands your brain. Or at least we geek out about it.
  • A bit of Twelfth Night discussion.
  • What is the distinction between podcasts and procasts?
  • Audio quality may or may not deter new podcast listeners from stepping into more podcasts.
  • There really are podcast seasons, not for your podcast, but for podcasters.
  • Podcast numbers can be many things and only one aspect needs to be a commodity aka selling sponsorship
  • A devoted fanbase does not signify money/sponsorship – if we subscribe to the existing media models.
  • A devoted fanbase does not mean that they WILL buy when you have something to sell.
  • Choose to go where your audience is – agree?
  • Where are the women from She Podcasts Facebook group coming from?
  • Community feedback can be super terrifying.
  • Sometimes feedback can very much teach you exactly what matters to your audience.


Participate in our end of the year episode!!!! This is what you need to do:

  1. Record a piece of audio
  2. Start your recording with: Hi, I’m < insert your name > from < your podcast name > over at < your website >
  3. Answer these 3 questions:
    1. What is your hardware and software
    2. What are the biggest lessons that you learned this year about podcasting?
    3. What is one piece of advice that you would give a newbie podcaster, just starting out?
  4. Email your audio piece to OR use WeTransfer by December 24, 2014!!!

Don’t think about it to much! Record your piece and send it in STAT! Let’s make this a She Podcasts LOVE-fest!

Links mentioned by Jess and Elsie!


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  • Click here to subscribe via iTunes
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FEEDBACK + PROMOTION for Women Podcasters

You can ask your questions, comment below, go to the She Podcasts Facebook group and even share your promos for your podcast! Let your voice be heard. Send it all to

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